Landlords need to be aware of and follow the guidance set by the government on coronavirus and renting, which contains advice on possession proceedings, health and safety, maintenance and repairs.
As always, the tenant's safety should always be the landlord's first priority.
In line with updated guidance from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government dated mid-April, the document includes legislation to delay when landlords are able to start proceedings to evict by giving tenants longer notice periods than usual.
The guidance is aimed to help landlords safely let empty properties, or properties that tenants are vacating voluntarily. They should continue to work with their tenants to assist tenancies where the tenant wants to and are able to stay.
Conducting viewings should not happen in properties where tenants are symptomatic or self-isolating.
Any visits to properties for maintenance issues must be made in accordance to the government's guidelines on working in other peoples' homes and social distancing.
If possible, any repairs or checks should be done in the period where the property is unoccupied. If this isn’t the case and visits are required to an occupied property, then this should be done with measures in place minimising physical contact, for example, having residents wait outside or in another room.
Landlords should ensure the property is prepared and ready for new tenants, which may include cleaning to minimise any potential spread of the coronavirus.
As a landlord, you also need to pay heed to your Right To Rent checks, with temporary measures in effect allowing these checks to be conducted remotely.
Should you need any help or guidance, please contact us with your questions.