Surge in homeowners keen to move this year

COVID-19 has caused a major shift within the property market regarding buyers’ and sellers’ attitudes. According to a recent survey of 1,000 homeowners, as many as 26% are considering moving within the next year.*
So, what are the reasons for homeowners wanting to move?
After a year of restrictions and confinement, we've all had more time to reflect on the way we live and use our homes. Considering that 55% of respondents directly linked their reason for moving to COVID-19, we can see just how extensive the situation is, with many households finding that their property no longer fits their lifestyle or needs.
As well as desiring a bigger garden space, other important factors include finding somewhere with:
Natural light (15.8%): introducing natural light into your home reduces stress and anxiety, boosts immune systems and increases happiness through the production of serotonin – the feel-good hormone. Whilst these are just some of the core benefits, they are the most relative as to why homeowners are seeking homes with plenty of natural light.
A home office (13%): working from home has given many of us the opportunity to see remote working as a long-term norm. By working at home, families are able to share the responsibility of childcare and spend more time together that would have otherwise been spent separate.
A home gym (11.9%): the initial lockdown caused a rift in the country's health and wellbeing, pushing many to implement home workout measures in order to stay fit, active and fulfilled.
The reality is that a lot of people won’t feel comfortable returning to their regular routines for some time, minimising possibly high risk locations such as gyms for a safer alternative, choosing to exercise from home instead.
Chief Executive of IDSystems concluded that: “2020 has been a year of frustration and uncertainty for homeowners, with many now feeling the need to make big changes, either by moving out of the city or maximising their existing spaces.
Through the challenges and restrictions people have faced, it is clear that British homeowners are not afraid to make big decisions to ensure their homes are providing the best possible environment for work, study and relaxation.”
If you're feeling fed up and in need of a change, we'd invite you to browse our range of stunning local properties. Contact us today for more information. *ID Systems Your guide to understanding your property's value
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